The camera is shown with nothing but a black screen. you hear the sound of knuckles being popped as a voice begins to speak from the blackness of the room.
WB: You see I have a problem with fakeness, with pathetic posturing towards the crowd using them as a launching pad into getting matches and opportunities that are not deserved. Feeding the crowd with the lollipop quartet routine smiling and laughing as to if there isn't a care in the world...unfortunately for you Sheamus that is simply farthest from the truth! You have betrayed your culture and the very wrestling industry with your tired sophomoric routine. The people in the crowd may be blind to your act as they are merely stupid ignorant puppets, but I see you for what you truly are...(the lights turn on signifying Wade Barrett seeing through Sheamus, and he stand in front of the camera looking intense) and that is a phony scared little man disguising that fear behind those childish smiles and laughs. Tonight on Monday Mayhem the world will witness the day that Sheamus began his downfall into irrelevancy. See you in the ring Sheamus...keep smiling...your days are numbered.
Camera fades away as the next section of Mayhem begins