Subject: About Batista's Attack. Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:52 pm
*Brock Lesnar is seen Backstage in the interview section addressing the OCW fans.*
Brock: After Batista's Cheap shot attack on Christian he will no longer be able to attend Ringside come Randy Orton and The Rocks matchup later tonight in the evening. He has suffered a concussion and will be taking legal action against Batista for his actions. So Batista prepare to meet Christians lawyers for you're profane actions and illegitimacy to the business. And not only that but now you're going to have to deal with me! Which is far worse then any lawyer. Christian wishes the best for the OCW title match he was hoping to watch is at ringside and cheer on Randy and The Rock but now sense Batista's careless and selfish actions Christian will be watching from a hospital bed.